The Tjong-Khing signs
In Verwey Museum Haarlem is still the exhibition until September 11 Thé Tjong-Khing: 90 years young. An exhibition with work by one of the best known and most loved children's book illustrators in the Netherlands. But not only that, he has also left his unique mark on Dutch comics history. In his nearly 70-year professional career, Khing has created dozens of comics and thousands of illustrations for magazines, book covers, and many children's books. Who does not know Little Sofie and Lange Wapper (with Els Pelgrom), Fox and Hare (with Sylvia Vanden Heede), the Where's the cake?picture book series or BOSCH batteries and motors. A large number of Khing's books are for sale in the museum shop, including the one that has just been released Cake for everyone. On Sunday 3 September, Thé Tjong-Khing will be present between 12 and 14 pm to sign your purchase. Come by and enjoy the wonderful family exhibition at the same time.
Title The Tjong-Khing signs
Date Sunday September 3 between 12 and 14 pm
Where Verwey Museum Haarlem, Groot Heiligland 47, 2011 EP Haarlem