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afternoon reading colorful stories

Dolly Bellefleur & friends

Sunday 3 November

In her most beautiful princess dress, 'Queen of Hearts' Dolly Bellefleur reads from children's books that are just a little bit 'different'. Also author Floris Dorgelo is in the party. Dolly loves the book he wrote Storkie, a very diverse delivery service. Enjoy the adventures of this curious young bird who is full of questions about life. One day his parents want to help him understand how the world works. They plan a special journey where Storkie has to deliver presents to different animals. During this journey Storkie discovers that there are many different ways to live, love and express yourself.

Afterwards there will be pink lemonade and the youngest visitors will receive a Dolly coloring page!

Program : Sunday November 3
Time: 14: 00-15: 00 hours
Age: from 4 years
Location: Verwey Museum Haarlem

We kindly ask you to register via Then Dolly knows how many glasses of pink lemonade she can pour!