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Verwey Museum Haarlem looking for tour guides

In one of the most beautiful streets of Haarlem is Verwey Museum

Haarlem (formerly Museum Haarlem), the city museum of history and art.
The museum has recently been thoroughly renovated and has become even more beautiful than it already was! Visitor numbers are increasing sharply and that is why we want to expand our pool of tour guides.

Several times a year new exhibitions are presented with special themes from the history and present of Haarlem and South Kennemerland. In addition, there is the permanent exhibition of Kees Verwey and there are temporary exhibitions Haarlemse artists.
The museum is made possible thanks to 85 volunteers.

Do you like to independently provide guided tours for visitors who visit the exhibition All Haarlemmers want to see?

In our permanent exhibition All Haarlemmers guides tell about the various topics from 1000 years of history Haarlem.

As a tour guide, you are assigned to tours where you indicate how often you are available in a certain period. You will be scheduled depending on the number of group registrations.

We are interested in you!

Send an email with a brief explanation or your resume to and we will contact you!