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The Steaming Monster

January 9 to March 16, 2020

From January 2020, the successful exhibition 'The Steamy Monster' will return again!

The Museum is in the middle of all the discussions about electric cars and a new infrastructure for charging stations Haarlem Curious: exactly 180 years ago, a transport revolution also took place in the Netherlands. How did that go then? By popular request, the small Gasthuis exhibition is coming: The Steaming Monster back in early 2020.

Introduction of the steam train
The Steaming Monster shows the introduction of the train through the eyes of the population of the time. On September 20 of this year it was exactly 180 years ago The Eagle, the second steam locomotive, started running on the Amsterdam – Haarlem.

The distance of 16 kilometers was covered in 32 minutes with open wagons. The 'insane' speed of 38 km per hour was achieved and a third class return ticket cost 40 cents. You also bought 2 loaves of bread at that time.

'Human and Animal Health'
The run-up to the project, the construction of the various stations and the railway, but especially the train seen through the eyes of the population of the time. About delays, overcrowded trains, the work of the signal keepers and what this new speed would mean for the health of people and animals.

The small guest house exhibition The Steaming Monster shows the history of the origins of the stations and the complaints and praise from the public in those first years, and can be seen again from January 9, 2020 to March 16.