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Schalkwijk Exposed

October 10, 2019 – March 9, 2020

60 years in motion

Also in the XNUMXs Haarlem a major housing shortage. Advantage: there was still room then. The total territory that we now know as Schalkwijk, was chosen to deal with the ever-increasing housing problem.

The European Quarter was built and within twenty years the Boerhaave, Meer and Molen districts also emerged here. Haarlem it added 3500 single-family homes and 7800 apartment homes.


The district is still a separate part of the city. Residents rarely come to the center and Haarlemmers can mainly be found in Schalkwijk when they visit family and friends. Kees (30 years old): “Living in Schalkwijk seems different, but it is not different at all!”

With the exhibition Schalkwijk Exposed you will become acquainted with the history of Schalkwijk, the current district and its residents. Why do they live in Schalkwijk, how did they end up there and where do their pride and wealth lie? Theo (85 years old): “I like things neat, straight and sleek, that's why I like Schalkwijk.”

The stories of the neighborhood and residents are told through portraits and objects. This gives visitors the opportunity to get acquainted with the most multicultural and greenest district of Amsterdam Haarlem.

A special neighborhood to highlight and a great opportunity to create a time document of different generations in 2019. Soudai (18 years old): “At the Molenplas it feels a bit like home.”

The exhibition uses photos and stories from the project Double Exposure of Marisa Beretta.


In addition to the exhibition, the museum organizes various activities, including city walks, bicycle and boat trips, courses and dinners, in collaboration with organizations from Schalkwijk.

Keep an eye on the agenda on our website.