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guided tour by frank van der linden at double focus – verwey and masks

Sunday 17 November

Together with fifty-four masks by contemporary artists from the art project Sign of the Times (SOTT), Dubbelfocus – Verwey and masks shows a selection of (self) portraits by Kees Verwey (1900-1995). Portraits of sculptures, faces, masks and heads of animals are a recurring subject in Verwey's artistic oeuvre.

The art project SOTT was started by art transporter and cultural entrepreneur Frank van der Linden. The project takes its name from the song 'Sign of the Times' by Prince, and refers to the 'signature' of the artists and to the zeitgeist in which the mask is created. In 2016, Van der Linden designed a ceramic mask, after which various artists were invited to edit this basic design according to their own wishes. More than fifty contemporary artists have now joined SOTT, making the project an extensive, diverse collection and a source of mutual inspiration. SOTT is therefore a representation of the contemporary art world.

Frank van der Linden tells his story in the hall. Our visitors also get the chance to ask questions. Afterwards there is a drink in the museum café.

– walk-in museum café 12.30
– welcome speech 13.00
– guided tour by Frank until 14.00 p.m.
– Followed by a drink

Costs: entrance only or free with museum card. The guided tour is free.
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