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Jeanne Aubert

Studied in 2020 Jeanne Aubert (Paris, 1995) with the video The Last Song of the Sun at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. In it she tells the story of the anger and sorrow of the sun, which burns the land and itself until both become dark. The sun functions in this modern mythological story as the evil witness to humanity's destructive acts that cause enormous damage to the land and all natural life. Of The Last Song of the Sun Aubert tries to draw attention to the current events of these actions through a poetic imagination. She does this by combining images of solar flares from NASA with images she shot in the south of France on the Mediterranean Sea. It is the place where Aubert grew up and which she associates with warm summers. However, she now finds that the area is more likely to suffer from drought, forest fires, water shortages and loss of biodiversity. Last summer the temperature reached 43°C, while 15 years ago it was rare for temperatures to exceed 30°C.

Jeanne Aubert, The Last Song of the Sun, Single channel video (9 mins) with sound, 2020

The Last Song of the Sun will be shown on August 6 in the FilmKoepel Haarlem, Look here for more information:

Jeanne Aubert, The Last Song of the Sun 2020