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historical café: source building – rise and fall of a haarlem spa

From 1894 to 1932 in the Haarlemse Frederikspark the 'Wilhelmina Brongebouw' stood. Initially as a health resort with a bathhouse and drinking hall for which the water was supplied from a accidentally discovered source in Vijfhuizen. After the water supply was cut off around 1900, the source building remained in use as a cultural centre for concerts and exhibitions. The water was also marketed in bottles as Hollandia spring water.

During the historical café on Monday evening, January 27, heritage advisor Ruben Daniëls will give a lecture on the rise and fall of the Brongebouw. ​​Subsequently, Bram van Uchelen and Moreen Pattiruhu, documentary makers and makers of Erfgoed journaal Haarlemmermeer, showing fragments from the documentary about the Brongebouw. 

From January 31 to April 27, the Verwey Museum will be open Haarlem a small exhibition about the Haarlems Brongebouw can be seen. Read more.

Date: Monday January 27, 2025
Time: starts at 20:00 PM, admission from 19:30 PM.
Place: Jansstraat 40, 2011 RX Haarlem (North Holland Archives)
Costs: Admission is €5,00 (payment by debit card only).
Sign Up: Registration is required and can be done via: Historical Café 'Brongebouw: rise and fall of a Haarlems spa'