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we celebrate the city's birthday with free tours after opening hours


November 23, 2023 – extra opening between 17 and 19 p.m

free admission and guided tours

Haarlem It's his birthday! On Thursday, November 23, it will be exactly 778 years ago Haarlem received city rights. We celebrate this in the museum with something tasty with coffee and free guided tours.

Did you know that in our permanent exhibition? All Haarlemmers, about 1000 years of city history, a copy of our city rights can be seen all year round?

Come and view the city charter on November 23 and listen to the special stories that our tour guides have to tell. Specially for the birthday of Haarlem The museum is accessible free of charge from 17 p.m. to 19 p.m.
Are you coming too?

Date: November 23th
Time: extra opening between 17 and 19 p.m
Location: Verwey Museum Haarlem
Cost: free
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