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performance by Czech This! while peeking at the neighbors


Sunday February 4, 12.00:17.00 - XNUMX:XNUMX

On Sunday, February 4, living rooms will change Haarlem in temporary neighborhood theaters for Peeking at the Neighbors. Local amateur artists show their talents in cozy living rooms throughout the city. We are also opening the museum for several performances during the afternoon by the band Czech This!
Marjanka and Petr perform two-part acoustic music under guitar accompaniment, both their own work and covers in various languages ​​and from different times. Easy listening, pure and straight from the heart.

The performances are free of charge.

Date:  Sunday 4 February
Time:        12: 45 - 14: 15 - 15: 45
Cost:   Free admission to the performance, free admission to the museum (every first Sunday of the month)